You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2007.


An early morning adventure to the postal depot yielded this. Enough bright wool to make an Autumn Cardigan (by Ruth Sørensen). Some other treats were received… This book, lilies and roses, some quilting fabrics, a morning idling in coffee shops – phone calls from loving friends and family. And an amber circlet: glowing, enfired beads, like ‘a bracelet of bright hair about the bone’.

A good day!


Such a long time since my last post! The business of autumn has kept me busy: wrapping up, nesting, organising my work a little in expectation of hibernation. Really very little crafting going on, and my Cobweb shrug is lagging behind (it’s not as if I have a rapidly approaching deadline!) I have this long and complicated trip to plan – I wake up worried thinking I’ll forget something crucial.

I’m entering into hoarding mode, squirrelling away supplies – material, intellectual and inspirational – to dip into in the coming months. Some of these are obscure, others are unashamedly covetous.

Lovely stuff:

